I had 4 birthday cakes today. Awesooome :) and thanks for the cake. The first cake was Baskin Robbins icecream cake. Damn awesome i tell you, too bad the cake was going to melt so we had to eat in Jeth. The second was some coffee or something cake sponcered by Song Chee and her sister. & the third one was some small cheese cake from my aunt. Awesome too, it's the best Cheese cake I ever had okeh. Anddd the fourth one was with my twinny, Tricia's birthday cake too. I had an awesome day because I had awesome cakes.
And presents,
OMG OMG. I love the present you gave me Jien! Im gonna hug it to bed tonight. :)
And Rumin! Thankyou for the lil note and present! I miss reading the lil notes I used to recieved during primary times. && not forgetting for the others about the present. Thankyou thankyou and thankyou. And where's my present from the others? *winkswinks*

AWESOME I TELL YOU. Sadly, i didnt manage to take a picture with it :(

Remember their suprise party I planned?
They finally revenged on me. Geeeez.
And thankyou for the wishes on my facebook wall.
I counted, I have 5 pages of wishes. Yayyy, let me syok sendiri today can?