Since Ipoh trip photo took an eternity to upload, I uploaded Rally photos first. Yesterday was awesome like seriously. I did not regret for choosing rally instead of MTV world stage. Just like what Audrey Tan said,
And didn't it rain at world stage?? FUCKYEAH, ISCF WAS INDOORS AND WE HAD AIRCOND. :P
Agreeeeeeeeeeeeeeed :)
I'm one of the usherer this year and it's my first year of rally. The best part was Jocelyn Chai brought her DSLR. I was playing with it when praise and worship but then the battery almost dead before the event ends. She went home early and I'm missing her camera and all my friends now :(


Sho went :DDDD
Sorry for not accompany you the whole event lah okay?
Next year next year.


With Bitch#1 and Bitch#2.

Camwhores cant resist camera.

Audrey Tan's expression shows that she's jealous. Hehehe :p
More huggies next time kay?
But your skill not that good yet ;p
And the pictures below were taken by the pro one. *coughs*

Ru Min's hair spoiled my picture =.=

Praise and worship.
I'll never let Tan Jilyne to touch my friend's camera anymore.
Look at the light, not the crowd.

That's all for the wonderful night. I was only in the mood when the event almost end. Stupid right. Though I missed Worldstage, I shall have my own wonder Jilee and Jilee Perry concert at home soon. Tatatata :D
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