Friday, December 4, 2009

A toy car.

My mother's new car is here.
I think it's so big and ugly. *dont tell her I said that*
But at least I can have a comfortable nap there. Heh!

My mother and sister is coming back in two days. Geez, feeling so stress now. I had waited this 2 weeks for since last year because I thought I can sneak out the house and hang out with my friends almost everyday. Christina and my aunt are guarding me like a baby. I'm so stuck at home last week but at least I stayed in different cousins house everyday and went home twice only this week. The bad thing is my brother is coming back on Monday, too. My life will be ruined if he's still that arrogant and childish. ZOMGZOMG. *faints*

I curled my hair with a straightener.
But too bad my hair is too short to do it.
Cant wait for my sister to come back and I can try on her. Heh.

Gotta go for GTA now. Bytez.

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