I cant find a photo of us but this in my pendrive and i dont know why.
Sorry for not attending your birthday yesterday. I was *coughs* busy *coughs*.
And guess what, I knew you since we're 6! Cant believe we're still in the same school.

Or i should say, Mrs A. Atinder, not Arshavin from Arsenal.
Do download more games for me but not zombies next time. Heh!
Mr Gerald tuition this morning. Sat beside Chau Jin, surrounded by boys. I was the only girl in tuition. Teacher asked Hee Zun when I'm giving wedding invitation cards. HAHAHA WTH.
I'm in my aunt's house now until night. She fetched me after my piano class to her house early afternoon. The kids were asleep so now I have my peace to blog here finally.
Went to Mid Valley with Audreychinweiling on Wednesday. Photos take times to download okae humans on earth. Imaging how hard to upload all this photos because of the size of photos are so big. We did not try many dresses because the sales lady kept following us and staring at us when we were picking dresses. CANT YOU BITCHES JUST LET ME SHOP IN PEACE. It's not like I'm going to buy all the dresses right?! HAHAHA. Just so you know, Mid Valley is no more my style to shop but Sunway Pyramid.
Bought in Aussie last year and now Cotton on is everywhere in Malaysia.
The bottom was puffy, thats why i dont like it.
I want that bloody dress so BADLY.
Wei Ling was the who suggested for Sushi King and regret.
People under my feet.
Didnt bought much because of someone. We spent almost the whole day in MPH just to find a book. Do you how damnblardyfreakingass big is Mid Valley MPH? We forgot to search of the map instead of going around the whole MPH. Anddd, that silly book is not cheap at all. We didnt brought much but since it's hardly to be found so we decided to buy it.
Because of that silly book, I cant buy a sodamnfreakingass awesome shoes in Nose.
Because of that silly book, Audreychinweiling cant buy herself a pencil case from Roxy.
Because of that silly book, we forced ourselves not to go in any shop because we were sodamnfreakingass broke.
Because of that silly book, Audreychinweiling have to lend her brother's credit card.
Because of that silly book, we cant go Haagen Dazs and Baskin Robbins for icecream but Mcd for some cheap icecream.
Because of that silly book, I'm having a bad day in Mid Valley.
You owe me something seriously, sodamnfreakingass BITCH. Heheh!
My aunt is having a small BBQ party celebration later. I cant wait to fry & burn your asses, chickens! HEHEHE ;D I can hear the kids are awake already, I gotta go. Bites.
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